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National Data

National Data

Home Price Signals Point to Flat Growth
By Mike Simonsen on May 6, 2024

Inventory continued to climb this week. Not at a super fast pace, but the number of homes on the market across the country keeps expanding. As mortgage rates stay elevated and as unsold...

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National Data

Home Sellers Are Coming Back to the Market
By Mike Simonsen on April 29, 2024

New listings volume each week is now higher than at any time last year. And since it's still only April, there could be as many as eight more weeks of seller growth in the spring market....

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National Data

Pending Home Sales Prices Hit All-Time High
By Mike Simonsen on April 22, 2024

Even after a couple weeks of mortgage rate jumps, we’re still seeing surprising strength in key elements of the housing market. In fact, some measures of home prices are now at their...

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National Data

High Mortgage Rates Are Fueling Strong Inventory Growth
By Mike Simonsen on April 15, 2024

Big jump in interest rates this week. The 30-year fixed rate mortgage according to the HousingWire mortgage rates center is now over 7.2%, that’s 50 basis points above where we were at the...

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National Data

As Housing Inventory Grows, What Will Happen to Home Prices?
By Mike Simonsen on April 8, 2024

Here’s how 2024 is shaping up: there are now more listings, more active inventory, and more sales than a year ago. Sales are increasing because supply is increasing. We’re slowly emerging...

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National Data

Home Sales Are Finally Climbing
By Mike Simonsen on April 1, 2024

Everyone knows it’s been a very dry 18 months for home sales. As mortgage rates rose, starting over two years ago now, payment affordability got dramatically worse and home buyer demand...

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National Data

Home Sales Are Growing, Prices Will Stay Flat
By Mike Simonsen on March 25, 2024

It was a pretty strong week for all the housing numbers. New supply and sales numbers keep climbing weekly and compared to last year. Price numbers had a slight increase this week across...

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National Data

How This Week’s Fed Meeting Could Impact the Housing Market
By Mike Simonsen on March 18, 2024

There’s a big Federal reserve meeting this week, and we’ll learn more about the future of interest rates then. I don’t have any capacity to predict interest rates - I’m not convinced anyone...

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National Data

Why Inventory Could Grow by 40% This Year
By Mike Simonsen on March 11, 2024

Available inventory of homes on the market is climbing and will continue to climb until we’re finally in an environment of declining interest rates. Inventory has been rising for two years...

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National Data

Inventory Is 19% Higher Than a Year Ago
By Mike Simonsen on March 4, 2024

In the face of growing supply of unsold homes on the market, we have to ask how much more inventory this market can handle before home prices start to decline. We’re at 19% year over year...

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