Altos Blog

How to Create Videos Using Real Estate Market Data in 2021

Written by Mike Simonsen | January 13, 2021 10:19:49 PM Z

Another powerful way to use Altos data - and showcase your expertise - is to record regular video walk-throughs of what’s happening in the market. You can record these on Zoom, Loom, or other video platforms. You can also go live on Facebook. Simply open one of your reports, hit “Record”, and start talking!

Start with a general overview of the report, and then pick 2-3 stats to highlight - show how inventory is dropping, or prices are climbing, or homes in the upper price ranges are moving more slowly. This is also a good way to get comfortable interpreting and talking through the data.

Make sure to include a call to action to run a report for their area on your website so they’ll join your lead funnel.

Once you’re done, upload the video to YouTube, share it on social, and post it on your blog if you have one. If you can, try to do one of these every week or two, so your followers begin to expect and look forward to your market insights.

Ready to start recording? Run a report for your area here.